Košík je prázdný
The local market of software for architecture and construction sectors has embarked on a growth trend in 2015, the most specialized companies in the field showing significant increases (between 20%...
The revival of the local construction market this year has resulted in an optimal development of the sector in the field of materials and products. The average turnover of specialized companies...
Romania recorded, in the first nine months of this year, an increase of 11% in turnover. For the full financial year is estimated that the current pace of growth will be maintained at the same...
The buildings are designed and assembled in general so as not to encourage the emergence and spread of fires, limiting the initiation and expansion of fire and smoke in the furnace chamber, by...
In 2015, Saint-Gobain has celebrated 350 years of uninterrupted activity, being one of the oldest industrial companies in the world. The group is among the top 100 companies globally and is one of...
Skanska Construction Romania, part of Swedish group Skanska, with revenues which overcome the level of 15 billion euro, has a strong position on Romanian market, where the company since 2011....
The international trade fairs focused on presenting innovations in the construction sector are the main information platforms for the beneficiaries of projects pursuing outstanding properties, in...
According to the data published by Romanian Institute for Statistics (INS), the local construction market continued to register an upward trend in September 2015. The official information indicates...
    Vias Ltd, whic promote on the international market the brand Viva Plast, reported for 2014 a turnover of 47 millon euro, 9% higher than in teh previous year. On short term, the...


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