Košík je prázdný
The macroeconomic indicators which reflect, with some exceptions, a stabilization of the business environment, are relatively favorable for companies operating on market of windows and doors and...
The history of concrete additives is long and begins in 1930, when were registered the first attempts to disperse coal in a concrete mixture. The original purpose was purely aesthetic, and main...
The International Conference on Systems for Joinery and Façades EURO-Fereastra 2016 – an already traditional event for the above mentioned market, which reached its eighth edition –...
Almost 850,000 units: this is the amount of elevators and escalators sold last year on global market, which, according to experts, will reach, in 2019, a value of 121 billion USD. The current...
Even with the rise of the construction market and thus of the thermal insulating joinery segment, as regard the wooden assemblies (more expensive) were recorded significant fluctuations in demand at...
The Romanian construction industry exceeded in 2015 the problems caused by the economic downturn, being already placed on a clear upward trend. In the first half of the current year, the analyzed...
There are few manufacturers that really put emphasis on compliance with the harmonized European standard EN 14351-1, which regulates the characteristics windows and interior doors without fire...
The market of hardware systems designated to manufacture thermal insulating joinery have recorded in the past three years some changes in structural terms. This fact is not obvious from a simple...
After in the first six months in 2016 the local market of thermal insulating joinery was placed on an upward trend in sustainable conditions, in the second half of this year a similar tendency is...


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