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UPWARD trend for the domestic insulated glass industry

A meaningful analysis of the current situation and the perspectives of development of local industry of glazing for architectural applications, whether is about the segment of glass or the one of IGU, reveals that, similarly to the sector which is addressed, namely the construction, the companies in the industry would have to undergo a recovery period, marked by a relatively beneficial effects of post-recession period. In this regard, since accurate information on production are not available, the data on imports, in conjunction the ones provided by the main 100 manufacturers working in the field included in an updated list of companies developed by Fereastra magazine, outlines an accurate picture for the analyzed sector. The above mentioned list includes information about 102 companies specialized in the production and supply of insulating glass for windows production and glazing for curtain walls. The revenues in 2015 reached 175 million euro, up 22% compared to 2014, when the companies recorded a total turnover of 143 million euro (+ 6% compared to the previous 12 months). It is interesting to mention that those increases occur after a period of fluctuations more or less significant in the period 2009-2013, when were recorded values of 124 million euro in the first year of the recession (-22%) and 123 million euro in the next 12 months (-0.4%), followed by a revival in 2010, valued at 7% and amounting 131 million euros and a decrease of 3% in 2012 to 127 million euros, meaning a return to the pre-crisis level, after which in 2013 the revenues reached 134 million euros (+ 6%). It must be specified that the main 100 manufacturers of IGU started from a referential threshold of 158 million euro recorded in 2008, so - unlike other segments of the market – this companies have managed to fully recover losses from the recession and even to record an evolution. In this respect, the revenues recorded last year, compared with the above mentioned referential threshold, increased by 10.41%.


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