Košík je prázdný
The Romanian market of products for electrical installations and automations, assessed by the managers of the leading companies in the field at about 600 million euro in 2015, will increase by 10%...
Amid eliminate the main effects of the recent recession, the branch of manufacturers and suppliers/distributors of indoor/outdoor doors embarked on a trend similar to that specific for the national...
Using irregular or curved geometric forms for curtain walls projects, especially in their window areas, it has become a fairly common practice in contemporary architecture. Through these solutions...
The Romanian sector of systems for metal constructions (halls, metal roofing and insulating panels) increased by 10%-12% in 2015 compared to the previous year, to about 280 million euro, while...
A key feature for insulating glass packages (further identified by IGU acronym) is the sustainability, given the requirements related to gas and vapor impermeability. Unfortunately, now it is known...
In a similar way as the same period in the previous 12 months, as a result of maintaining the national economy on an upward trend (though still fragile and under the real potential for growth on a...
The global market of automatic systems for doors and gates will record between 2016 - 2022, according to the latest assessment, a composite growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% per year. Deliveries in 2015...
Initially, the segment of garage doors and especially the sector of automatic doors usually installed in office buildings, malls, hotels etc., was hard affected by the recession - a situation that...
The ascending trends in the automation process manifested with increased intensity including in the construction field and, especially, in the branch electrical systems, are obvious in recent years....


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