Košík je prázdný
Strabag Romania, the subsidiary of the Austrian Group Strabag, maintains its position as the leader of the Romanian construction sector, with a market share of 3.3% in 2015, followed by Bog'Art...
When analyzing the influence factors impacting multinational groups in windows industry in Europe, it may be noted that, despite a punctual decrease of the construction market in the second quarter...
The access to finance for the purchase of housing has become a problem in the second half of this year in Romania, after amid discussions on the adoption of the commissioning payment, as the funds...
Mergers, the strategies used by large companies to strengthen their activities in times of crisis, continued also in the third quarter of 2016, with the takeover of the Romanian architectural paints...
Unsurprisingly, global growth prospects regarding countries' ratings have not improved since Coface latest update in March 2016. They have even deteriorated slightly (global growth forecast revised...
The mergers and acquisitions between companies is one of the main trend of the post-crisis economic environment, the growth and development of companies through such transactions being still one of...
Companies and, also, their products, transportation and marketing face unprecedented transformations in the current era of technological and communication development, in which more and more devices...
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (MDRAP) in Romania released for public consultation the draft titled National Strategy of Habitation (SNL), a document that aims to...
In early August 2016, the Bucharest branch of the Order of Architects of Romania (OAR) published the "Report on Bucharest 2016", a guide document created to provide insight coverings on...


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