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Sales reported in 2015 on the Romanian sectors of ceramic tiles and natural stone rose by approximately 10% compared to 2014, confirming the estimates made by manufacturers and importers in early...
The international trade fairs in the construction sector are still the main platforms for promoting innovations, such occasions being used traditionally for suppliers to launch their new...
The latest data, drawn from the list with 1,000 manufacturers of windows and doors, 59 companies involved in joinery assembly and 100 manufacturers of glazing (recently updated by the specialized...
According to the latest estimates, the global market for insulating systems based on mineral wool will record an average compound annual growth rate index (CAGR) of around 7% during 2016-2019, and...
The Romanian market for adhesives and dry mortars, estimated at about 200 million euros per year, increased by 3%-5% last year compared to 2014, according to industry managers' opinions, especially...
According to analysts, the resignation of Victor Ponta cabinet will not mean - automatically - end of economical growth in Romania, if the members of the new Executive made up of technocrats and...
The world market of gypsum plasterboards registered an impetuous development in recent decades, the products in this category, regardless the type of application for which are dedicated (fire,...
The increase of about 10% forecasted on the construction market in 2015, given the progress of 10.2% reported by the National Statistics Institute (INS) for the first 11 months of last year, could...
During the recession, one of the most affected segments of the construction market was the one which involves the non-residential buildings (office buildings, shopping centers, etc.). This kind of...


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