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Energy audit - between mandatory rules and circumvention in practice

Even if the energy audit, (which determines the level of energetic performance for buildings and concludes with a special document), has been regulated long time before Romania's compliance with European Union political and economical structures (since 2005, to be more precise), only now this concept became a distinct element of the local construction sector. After a deep analysis made by experts, it could be noticed that, despite the fact that the appointed action is mandatory in the communitary area and a lot of European standards make precise references to this concept, the energy audit achievement is usually circumvented both by local consumers and authorities. According to the opinion of one of the best Romanian experts, the main current problems encountered by the specialists are represented by the fact that the dynamics of the sector is not placed at the requested level. The lack of defining elements for the Romanian society serves as an example, the local people having completely other targets than the specific ones requested by building regulations of energy efficiency. This is why, despite the fact that in Romania many good experts, who have the necessary experience to offer this kind of services in an optimal manner, activate in the field, everything resumes as a customary matter, both for consumers and authorities. It seems that some of the people involved in energy audit activities think that, for securing good conditions of this kind of actions in a similar way with other member states of EU (advanced in terms of energy issues), the entire Romanian community needs "at least a hundred years of education", given the lack of concern related to the energetic matter. Also, the local authorities, which have specific duties in implementing and surveilling the compliance of law should be more active, and exert completely the specific responsibilities. In order to present a more positive scenario, it must be observed that there were made important steps lately on the way of developing the energy audit operations. The financial institutions became more and more restrictive in granting loans for houses acquisitions, most of them having specific requests regarding the energy documentation. One of the conditions that must be obeyed at this time refers to the fact that the building must be classified in B or C energy class. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!


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