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ANALYSIS: Stabilization on the metallic profiles and sandwich panels sectors

The Romanian market of metallic profiles and sandwich panels will stabilize in 2014 at about 250 million euro recorded last year, and in 2015 the upward trend in the sector would be resumed, especially due to the opening of new lines of financing in agriculture, and continuing implementation of projects developed by companies and financed by EU. Almost one third of the sector represents the metal roofing segment, estimated at about 70 million euro, corresponding to an amount of 16 million square meters per year, while the sandwich panels sector is worth between 70 and 90 million euro (about 6 million sqm). The difference is consisted by other segments, such as the metallic profiles for gypsum plasterboards (18 million euro) or the coffered metallic ceilings (two million euro), plus accessories and auxiliary systems required for installation. In 2014, the metal roofing segment will stabilize ar the 2013 level of about 70 million euro, corresponding to 16 million square meters, and still has the largest share of the market for roofing, estimated at an annual value of 125-127 million euro and 26 million square meters. The businesses of the leading suppliers of metal roofing systems will rise slightly in quantitative terms according to the managers estimates, as a direct result of the ongoing decline in trading prices of the products at the expense of quality. The demand will be supported by the renovation and modernization of buildings projects, and by 2016 this segment is estimated to generate 70% of sales of roofing systems, increasing from the 60% share today. However, in terms of the range of colors available, the demand for brown hue, which owns 55% of the market (being on an upward trend in recent years), will increase by 3% -5% in 2015. Overall, the metal roofing sector begins to revive, and the pace will be dictated by the dynamics of the construction industry and its opportunities to escape by the prolonged recession.


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