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ALUKÖNIGSTAHL: Flexible marketing strategy for the consolidation of market share

Alukönigstahl company, from Bucharest, the subsidiary of König Group - Austria has implemented during the recession a proactive strategy of adaptation to the new requirements of architectural aluminium systems market. Thus, on the background of strong development for the renewable energy segment, the company's management decided to adopt a systematized approach to the field, with the result that, in 2012, its share in the turnover rate reached 18% - 20%. However, the strategy of Alukönigstahl still focuses on strengthening the position on the segment of aluminium and steel profiles designed for the execution of thermo-insulating joinery and curtain walls. At the present moment, the market share on the segment of premium solutions exceeds the level of 60%. Nonetheless, the orientation towards research and development of the system suppliers represented in Romania remained unaltered, a fact which provides a special dynamic of the innovation process and, thus, a continuous improvement of technical characteristics of the products promoted. In Romania, the Company conducts specific operations since 1995, and has delivered aluminium and steel profiles for most large-scale constructions at national level during the last 18 years. For 2013, the management of the company is also optimistic, forecasting an increase in turnover. A significant contribution to this progress will be exercised, again, by the deliveries of metal profiles and panels for photovoltaic applications. An interesting program, implemented in 2013, is the " Alukönigstahl Academy", designed to ensure the delivery of technically corresponding products by the firm's partners on the profile market. According to Alukönigstahl management, the next period will be characterized further by uncertainty, especially on the construction segment, which was the hardest hit by recession. However, the company focuses heavily on development as well, especially on the segment of aluminium solutions, manufactured under license from Schüco. Nonetheless, this trend was highly visible at the specialized international fair Bau held in the first month of 2013 in the exhibition center of Munich. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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