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ROCKWOOL: Massive growth, based on industrial projects

Rockwool, the Danish insulation products supplier, has reported a spectacular improvement of the revenues on the Romanian market, in the actual European context where the focus is put on sustainability and, implicitly, on energy efficiency. According to preliminary data, the turnover of the local subsidiary exceeded 39 million RON in 2012, which represents an increase of over 40% compared to the previous financial year. This trend was supported by the increase of demand on the construction sector, where the company has an undeniable expertise and major competitive advantages. The prospects on short term are realistic and the society’s management estimates that, in 2013, the profile market will maintain at a rate similar to the previous year. The eventual improvements are expected from the residential sector on both new construction and rehabilitation segments. The subsidiary from our country started its activity in 1998, when it began the distribution of mineral stone wool performing systems. Given that the available production capacity in South East Europe became insufficient during the real estate boom between 2005 and 2007, the group withdrew from active promotion in Romania. However, it quickly resumed its operations in 2008 after a series of major investments in increasing the production capacity at European level. The local representative recorded a special dynamic, characterized by massive increases in sales from one year to another. "Our company's name suggests the concept of solidity, being based on a long tradition and rooted on a groundwork which allows us a sustainable long term development. We estimate that the main factor which will lead to the increase of demand for products of the kind promoted by Rockwool is the awareness of the beneficiaries of the reality that a higher initial investment (needed for the proper insulation throughout the entire time of building usage) is to their advantage", said Florin Popescu, CEO of Rockwool Romania. The most important sites to which the company delivered products in 2012 are the industrial complexes Bosch, Pirelli, Continental, Plexus, Honeywell, the Lidl logistics center, as well as office buildings of which the most important is Sky Tower in Bucharest. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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