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ANALYSIS: The industry of electrical installations remains dependent on price

According to the opinions of operators in the field, the Romanian market of lighting objects is estimated around 125 million EUR, out of which the residential sector, which is growing steadily, absorbs nearly 50 million EUR,. If we include in the analysis the cable networks and arrays as well, the local electrical equipment industry exceeds 500 million EUR. A segment that has grown in recent years is the one of lighting systems based on LED, which is evaluated, even at this early stage of development, to approximately 8 million EUR. The businesses of the specialized active operators have entered in a large part, on a slightly downward direction in the first half of the year, following the general trend of the construction market, while for the second semester the forecasts of managers of companies present either a decreases of up to 25% or, in the most optimistic scenarios, a stagnation at the level recorded in 2012. In the future, the local lighting equipment market will still be dependable on price, despite the fact that there is a wide offer, on all levels of quality. More serious is the fact that most low cost products from the field are not respecting the legislation, a phenomenon which is common, according to specialists in the field, especially on the retail and small projects segments and this has significant repercussions, being detrimental to the quality of the works themselves and the reliability and operational efficiency. Other issues that exist on the market consist in the absence of sources of investment as well as the lack of credibility and seriousness of investors / beneficiaries, not to mention the difficulties regarding the payment of invoices and the ensuring of the adequate cash flow. A visible growing tendency in the area is the increasing emphasis placed on obtaining renewable energy systems and those designed to ensure the reduction of electricity consumption. Thus, in the domain of lighting sources, LED is gaining ground in competition with other solutions both on the domestic segment as well as the industrial one. Another product which records a significant increase is the one of light conversion (solar energy) into electricity by means of photovoltaic panels. 


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