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T & C: The future of the construction field is oriented on energy

The construction market continues the implementation of innovations. This process takes place in spite of the negative trend installed for more than five years. The main suppliers are in a constant competition for the development and commercialization of the solutions better adapted to the new demands of customers. Also, the energy efficiency idea recently gained more and more disciples, and this concept exerts a direct influence on the design of the materials. A very well defined trend consists in the transposition of the idea of sustainability from the theoretical sphere into practice, and a number of contractors decided to involve deeply in projects focused on sustainable development. It is clear that, even after the resumption of growth in the analyzed segment, those guidelines will maintain and even enhance and this will favor the increase of the so-called "cascade phenomenon". This will strengthen the research and development efforts, in order to identify new solutions and ideas that lead to the improvement of the current performance of buildings. A good example is the Green Court Bucharest project. The objective is located on Strada Gara Herăstrău and the construction works are in progress. The general contractor is Skanska Romania Construction and the subcontractor for the foundation works is Octagon Contracting & Engineering. The project includes three office buildings with a total area of 52,000 square meters, being pre-certified in the system LEED Gold in terms of sustainability. The first building has a usable area of 19,500 square meters, and will include 11 levels and three underground floors. The deadline for completion is set for late 2014. According to the official data, Skanska invested in this project about 46 million EUR, the construction contract being valued at approximately 36 million EUR. In August 2013, the official presentation ceremony of the project was held. At the event participated Richard Burleigh - President of Skanska Construction Romania, Marcin Lapinski - President of Skanska Property Romania and Johan Karlström - President and CEO of Skanska.


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