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ANALYSIS: The certification of construction is affected by recession

The lack of information regarding the harmonized legislation that requires the certification of the activity of companies and / or construction products, the mentality that these operations are justified only when participating in public tenders or export actions, the fact that many managers of firms in the industry believe that the various forms of certification represent just an additional and unjustified cost are just some of the impediments that encumbers this field on the local level. In addition, the specialized institutes are also affected by the economic downturn occurred at a time when all the efforts of the experts headed towards the conducting of the large-scale implementation of management systems (ISO standard) in as many construction companies as possible, as well as towards the application of the CE marking or the granting of technical approvals for various groups of products, regardless of how they were regulated. Amid the deepening effects of the economic crisis, more and more construction companies have given up to certify or maintain their quality, environmental, occupational health and safety management systems, although these are considered as a normal action that defines the activity in the field. As more and more families of products have been included in EU standards, the manufacturers and suppliers in our country have turned to the method of quick attestation (for CE) while the activity of technical approval became sporadic and now is almost extinct. Furthermore, fewer companies ask for testing of products, because they use the test results of business partners that provide them with the components or raw materials for the product configuration. However, for the non-harmonized area, there is the obligation of releasing or extending the validity of the technical approvals in construction, and if the family of products is the object of a harmonized standard, all the steps that allow the development of the performance statement (the former declaration of conformity) according to the EU regulation no. 305/2011, effective from 1st of July 2013, have to be taken. 


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