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CSR: Enhancement of the corporate social responsibility actions

For large corporations involved on the global market construction, the concept of sustainable development (or sustainability) does not represent a wordy term or a fashionable trend that has to be followed in order to comply with the general tendencies, but it is rather seen as one of the few ways that form the basis of the future expansion. The managers of multinational groups in the field have realized early on that sustainability (especially the side involving social responsibility) will become the key factor of profitability. Their example was also followed by Romanian subsidiaries and was taken over even by locally owned companies that put an increasing emphasis on these activities, especially in areas such as education and sport. Whether the companies are involved in the education of new generations, either in sports campaigns, rehabilitation of schools /hospitals or housing for poor families, the Romanian firms have understood the importance of giving back to the community a part of the profit made through its help. Even though the aspects about CSR and sustainability policies and actions of companies active in Romania seem to be communicated through some relatively basic tools and represent, at least at the ideological level, carbon copies of actions made by international groups where these firms are integrated, the motivational factors that influence the initiatives taken by local managers have, currently, a particularly complex character. This tendency to "copy" the CSR and sustainability strategies is normal given that this field is still at its beginning in our country, especially considering that not long ago the sustainable development of very large corporations constituted an attitude that included effectively - most of the times - the desire of the executives to create, maintain or develop a company image that presented the beneficial actions on the environment and society as a whole and so on, for gaining reputation. Today, the concepts of sustainability and CSR have become strategic for most companies and constitute the basis of the current workflow.


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