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If we take a brief look over the activity of companies involved in the production of aluminum windows and doors and the execution of curtain façades, after another year of heterogeneous financial...
Aluminum systems market has kept its share on the total sales of insulating windows and curtain walls, although in the last five years, the value of this sector dropped to about one third compared...
Almost 85% of architects active in Romania are not satisfied with how the profession is practiced in our country, according to a recent study published by the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE) in...
Since its establishment in 1997, the company Aluprof Systems, part of the Polish holding Grupa Kety, has focused primarily on providing special profiles (mullions and transoms) for the execution of...
For this year, the managers of the most significant companies active in the global construction domain estimated a positive trend compared to 2013, mainly due to the 2.8% growth forecast of the...
The production of construction materials grew by 9.2% in Romania in the first 11 months of the last year compared to the same period in 2012, according to the latest data published by the National...
From the fourth year of recession, the specific market segment of aluminum systems suppliers used for the production of insulated glazing and the exection of curtain façades began to have a separate...
Works with a value of 60 million EUR made in order to widen Fabrica de Glucoză Street, the reconstruction of Hala Matache, the modernization of the Arc de Triumf monument and of the Astronomical...
Romstal is the biggest sanitary ware distributor in Romania and one of the largest companies in the field in Eastern Europe, with more than 200 specialized stores in Romania, Republic of Moldova,...


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