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The local geotechnical and foundation construction market, estimated at an annual level of about 93 million EUR, will remain this year most likely at the level recorded in 2013, according to the...
Louis Berger Romania, a company that has been involved in the development of large projects on the local level such as the National Arena, the highway Bucharest - Constanta, the modernisation of...
According to the preliminary estimates of the National Statistics Institute (INS), the GDP of Romania's grew by 3.8% both as gross and seasonally adjusted series in the first three months of this...
One year after the opening of the Bucharest office of the Polish producer of bitumen for road construction, the ORLEN Asphalt managers inaugurated at the end of May 2014, a new terminal in...
The decrease of the public investment in the prior year resulted in a contraction of the local cement market, the summed turnover of the three leaders in Romania (Holcim, Lafarge and Carpatcement)...
Although the major corporations active in the international market of thermal insulating joinery recorded mixed results in 2013, mostly in line with the initial forecasts, these have also overcome...
The sales reported by the paving and vibro-pressed curbs manufacturer Symmetrica during January - March 2014 grew slightly compared to the same period in 2013, and the target for the current year...
The sales on the domestic brickwork and concrete masonry market, reached last year a value of about 140 million EUR, according to the data available in the field, though the evolution of the two...
Although this year includes an election period in which - in theory - a boost to public investment should take place, with a favorable impact on the private investment level, the macroeconomic...


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