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Although the resumption under sustainable conditions of an increase trend on the thermal insulating joinery market continues to be delayed, given that this economic segment, as well as the...
The sales of major corporations in the construction industry increased slightly in the first three months of this year and the average turnover developments reported during January-March 2013...
Currently, in Romania, there are enrolled approximately 7,000 architects, out of which only 4,909 are entitled to sign, according to the data of the National Order of Architects (ONA). Most of...
Like their counterparts involved in operations of manufacturing PVC windows, wooden joinery producers operating on the domestic market identified lately the exports as one of the few opportunities...
The volume of real estate transactions recorded in the first three months of this year stood at 337 million EUR, a higher level than the one recorded in 2013, according to the data of JLL consulting...
During this period, the Bog'Art construction company will begin the works of the building tower developed by the RCB Development & Consulting in Targu Mures. The building will serve the 750...
The local market of hardware systems created for fitting in thermal insulating assemblies recorded in the recent years significant changes in structural terms that are not obvious from a simple...
The local market of construction materials could fall below 3 billion EUR this year, given the 9.1% decrease in turnover in the area in January 2014 compared to December 2013 and the lack of...
The receivables due by the public authorities and the local construction companies for performed works maintain at 800 million EUR, according to the Romanian Association of Construction...


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