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ANALISYS: Heterogeneous results for the metal assemblies market

If we take a brief look over the activity of companies involved in the production of aluminum windows and doors and the execution of curtain façades, after another year of heterogeneous financial results and fluctuations, the specialized firms rely further on the stabilization of their activity. It is also true that if the official results declared by 22 companies across the country dedicated exclusively to this area (these firms also argue that the level of their delieveries of assemblies are currently reaching 100%) are taken into consideration, a significant revenue depreciation within the recession period can be found out easily. If in 2008 the cumulated turnover of these companies reached 45.2 million EUR, in 2012 the same indicator totalized solely 23.9 million EUR (-47.1%), and for 2013 we have estimations aimed at nothing more than a stabilization (the optimistic scenario) or even a new downward trend (the pessimistic version). Given the significance and notoriety of these companies, it can be presumed that the market of specialized manufacturers faced with a similar situation. However, the estimates stated above are relatively empirical if it is taken into account the fact that at least 67 major (top) companies are active on the local profile market. Furthermore, the firms have involved at least 50% of their total activity in aluminum joinery and / or curtain façades production, without taking into account the manufacturers of windows from other materials that can also make metal assemblies. Nonetheless, the analysis of the specialized productive activities of major building contractors, specialized in the same field, is not included here. Therefore, any estimate with a relatively high accuracy of the evolution of this market segment should be based on the growth rate of the 67 companies during the recession period, for which the data are available. In this case, the decrease between 2008 and 2012 was a continuous one so that it can be assumed that in 2013 - although we have no information from the Ministry of Finance - there was also a downward trend. 


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