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The German provider of hardware systems for thermal insulating joinery - Winkhaus - has reported a sustained growth in turnover until 2009, when it began to be affected by the negative trend of the...
For companies which activate in the market for panels and doors' hardware, 2013 and the first eight months of 2014 still represent a period of adjustment to the requirements of the beneficiaries....
The Italian supplier of hardware systems AGB (Alban Giacomo SpA) is present on the domestic market through two distributors of wood carpentry (Euro-Wood and W-Tech). Recently, the company started a...
The decrease of 9.4% reported in the Romanian construction sector in the first six months in 2014, the lack of major projects or an investment plan, the delays in recovering the debts from the...
Production of construction materials in Romania grew by 9.3% in the first six months of this year compared to the same period in 2013, according to the National Statistics Institute (INS). The...
The Company 4 Tech, located in Târgu Mureş, activates in the panels' sector under brand Profipanel, developing this year two expansion projects. The most important goal is the upgrade of the...
The economic crisis of the past six years, which has recorded in the construction sector, has affected - and, furthermore, has undermined - the garage doors segment demand and, especially, the...
The residential developer Adama, company owned by Immofinanz Group, is curently working on the final phase of the Copou Bellevue project, located in Iaşi. There will be built 50 housing units...
Following the deepening effects of the recession, the manufacturers and suppliers/ distributors of interior/ exterior door assemblies were engaged on a trend similar to the one specific for the...


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