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After the Romanian economy exceeded expectations in 2013, when GDP grew by 3.5%, the positive trend continued in the second quarter (+2.6%). Afterwards, during April-June 2014, became the first...
For elevators, escalators and other vertical transport equipments, the safe operating characteristic is essential, exerting a major impact on the quality of products and their sustainability. A...
The company Feroplast - Craiova, specialized in providing systems used in thermal insulating joinery industry, finalized in the first part of this year an investment that involved moving the...
The solutions based on mineral wool insulation register a growing success on the international market of constructions, the material being characterized by high adaptability, good insulation...
Integrated building management systems (BMS) have become increasingly demanded by architects and beneficiaries because they provide multiple benefits, especially in terms of sustainability. All...
The most recent forecasts regarding the dynamics of the European thermal insulating joinery market indicate that 2015 will mark the first year when the analyzed segment would record a real growth in...
In a difficult market environment, given the business environment has not yet emerged from recession, and the European construction market fell by 20% below the 2007 level, the international...
In the context of the further developments of the local economy, analysts of the research consulting company JLL noted an increase in investor interest in Romania. "The volume of investments...
As in the same period of 2013, but with more serious effects, the national economy entered into technical recession. The relevant indicators reflect the uncertainty and aridity of the local business...


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