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SYMMETRICA, to build two more plants on midterm

The sales reported by the paving and vibro-pressed curbs manufacturer Symmetrica during January - March 2014 grew slightly compared to the same period in 2013, and the target for the current year is to maintain the same level of the business as the one recorded during the previous financial period. In 2013, the turnover of the company reached 15.4 million EUR, while its market share increased to 24%. The company owns five plants in Romania, located in Veresti (Suceava county), Podu Iloaiei (Iasi), Bolintin Vale, Prejmer (Brasov) and Sintereag (Bistrita). According to the data provided by Symmetrica, the Romanian sector of paving, curbs and drains has an annual value of 66 million EUR, corresponding to 12 million meters of products.


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