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BOG'ART to construct the E.ON building in Targu Mures and the Mega Mall complex

During this period, the Bog'Art construction company will begin the works of the building tower developed by the RCB Development & Consulting in Targu Mures. The building will serve the 750 employees from the town of the of gas and electricity supplier E.ON Romania. The work was to be accomplished initially by Contrascom Benta, a company that became insolvent in February 2014. The building (2S+P+6+E7-technical) will have an area of about 18,270 square meters and shall be completed within 14 months from the beginning of the works. Bog'Art also received, a month ago, the general contractor contract for the construction of the Mega Mall shopping centre, a 150 million EUR investment that will be carried out by NEPI on the former Electroaparataj factory site in Bucharest.


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