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In the current international context, where great emphasis is placed on the sustainability concept, particularly on issues related to energy efficiency and environmental protection, mineral wool is...
This year, the evolution of private investment caused a 30% increase in demand for concrete formwork systems, the development being mainly determined by delieveris towards projects of major shopping...
The businesses of  Megaprofil, local subsidiary of Belgian Joris Ide group were at a level of 20 million euros in the first nine months of 2014 was registered an increase of 13% over the...
The local market of real estate services, valued at about 114 million EUR annually, is almost non-existent compared to the true creative industries in other parts of the world such as the US/Canada,...
HSH Chemie - Bucharest, the subsidiary of the German manufacturer of raw materials and additives for different industries HSH Chemie, reported sales of about two million euro on the Romanian paints...
Minex Romania, a leading provider of integrated solutions for local treatment and processing of sheet metal surfaces and profiles, achieved a turnover of 6 million EUR in the first nine months of...
The Romanian sector of furniture for offices decreased by 10% -15% in 2014 compared to the previous year, to about 35 million euro, despite the trend of development of the segment of office...
Since 2008, Plus Cofort Company from Bucharest engaged in subcontracting works for publicly funded projects, making thermal rehabilitation or thermal system interventions. Subsequently, because the...
Mobifin Materiale de Construcţii announced for the last year an increase of 8% compared to previous year. In the first 10 month of the current fiscal year, the revenues increased with 19% in...


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