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ANALYSIS: Uncertainty for manufacturers and distributors of door assemblies

Following the deepening effects of the recession, the manufacturers and suppliers/ distributors of interior/ exterior door assemblies were engaged on a trend similar to the one specific for the national joinery market and obviously to the building construction sector, with which is closely related. The macroeconomic, political and social issues of present days, such as presidential election and the geostrategic context may however divert the natural course of the specific seasonality of the segment. Under normal circumstances, the second half o the year is usually suitable for deliveries, taking into consideration the fact that new buildings or the undergo rehabilitation projects are almost completed and the demand for doors is at high level. By quantifying the financial results, which largely reflect the value of the entire industry of manufacturers of doors, and the updated information included in the list of companies (compiled by the Fereastra magazine) containing 171 companies specialized in the production and supply of interior/ exterior, garage and industrial doors, results that the companies revenues in 2013 increased by 3% to 257 million euro, compared to 2012, when they recorded a total turnover of 250 million euro. The increase, although at a low level, occurs after several significant fluctuations in the early years of the economic crisis, from the referential value in 2008 (which was around 365 million euro) to cuts of 28% in 2009 (262 million euro) and 14% in the next 12 months (227 million euro), followed by a substantial increase in 2011 (15% to 260 million euro), a new depreciation of 4% in 2012 and a slight recovery in 2013 (+3%). However, taking into account the turnover declared in the last year and compared to the threshold of reference, we easily find that in five years of the analyzed market dropped by almost 30%. It is expected that this year would bring significant changes in the sector, amid of the social, political and economic turmoil, and due to continuing decline in the domestic consumption.


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