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WINKHAUS: Over 150 years of tradition and innovation

The German provider of hardware systems for thermal insulating joinery - Winkhaus - has reported a sustained growth in turnover until 2009, when it began to be affected by the negative trend of the economic crisis. For this reason, the group management believes that the corporation would need a few years to offset the cumulative drop during recession and bring the results of Winkhaus at the past performance rates. The situation is quite heterogeneous at the world level, some markets having the ability to regenerate quickly, while others, including Romania, are still facing quite pronounced decrease in consumption. According to corporate management, is becoming more evident that the increased chances of success in the efforts to overcome the current economical crisis have companies which benefit from funding and are heavily export oriented, otherwise the usual risk being a further reduction of the activity and even bankruptcy. The Romanian market is atypical and, therefore, has a good chance of recovery thereafter. In this respect, Mag. Clemens Morse, the company's sales manager, pointed out that although the current data provided by the national statistic institutes indicates a contraction in the number of windows sold locally, the total number of models produced in existing facilities in Romania has remained at a high point. Under these circumstances and taking into account the demand of the region of western Europe oriented to high levels in terms of technology and quality, the sales of Winkhaus premium segment systems were visibly strengthened in recent years, including on the Romanian market. The current strategy implemented in the subsidiary in Romania involves identifying new key accounts to compensate the decrease of deliveries the traditional customers. Recently, Winkhaus started the partnership with two major manufacturers of joinery, which decided to equip their assemblies with performance hardware systems. Also, the company also focuses on smaller manufacturers. On short term, Winkhaus is trying to promote better solutions to its partners, and take firm steps to achieve a substantial increased efficiency and profitability for partner companies.


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