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The thermal insulating joinery manufacturer ADF Prod from Piatra Neamţ, aims at an increase of at least 10% in turnover in 2015, compared with the 4.6 million EUR recorded in 2014. In addition,...
The thermal insulating glass manufacturer Ro Grup Glass from Piatra Neamț, recently accessed the markets from the Netherlands and Finland that add now to the supplies made by the company in Italy,...
After the unprecedented depreciation of sales in the first year of recession, the specific market segment of providers of aluminum systems used in the manufacture of thermal insulating windows and...
For the current financial year, the managers of the shading systems provider SKS Stakusit (Braşov), the local representative of the company Hella - Austria, have established the resumption of the...
The hardware provider Securidev Romania adopts in the current financial year a business plan involving the establishment of a Master Key service type, for serving in a short range of time the...
The global construction market will continue to grow in 2015 and the accelerated rate of development will be recorded on the industrial and commercial segments, according to the estimates of the...
For the first part of the year, after the analysis of financial indicators for the previous 12 months, the managers of the major multinational groups announce that they have adopted cautious...
Faced with the need to restructure the activity in 2014 on a market segment characterized by the lack of large projects which require the installation of aluminum / steel thermal insulating...
A number of projects funded both by public and private funds will be resumed in the spring of this year, given the large number of properties in all market segments that are in advanced stages of...


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