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Due to the favorable climatic conditions in the first quarter of this year, the cement market was quite dynamic, with an increase of approximately 10.4% compared to the same period in 2014,...
Exalco Romania, one of the most important suppliers of architectural aluminum systems succeeded, in recent years, an accelerated recovery after the decline of business in the first part of...
In the first months of 2015, as well as in the last year, there was a mitigation in the insolvency phenomenon among the construction companies and hence among the joinery manufacturers. However, it...
The windows are, in terms of energy efficiency, the most vulnerable component of a building envelope, given that these products have a heat transfer coefficient much higher than the one related to...
After an increase of turnover with approximately 15% during last year, compared to the 8.9 million lei from 2013,  Primer Electro aims for 2015 a further improvement of revenues, the target of...
On May 25th of 2015, at Radisson Blu Hotel - Bucharest (Atlas hall) will take place the seventh edition of international conference joinery and façades EURO-Fereastra. The similar event which held...
Pinum Doors & Windows company - part of Nusco Group - has recorded, in the previous financial year, a turnover of 6 million euro and aims to increase the sales in 2015 to achieve a growth level...
The main investments  planned for the current year by the management team of RTH Proconstruct are represented by the acquisition of equipments for the production of industrial doors, the access...
Design and development of a viable brand for companies involved in thermal insulating joinery fabrication not constitute an approach as difficult as it seems at the first glance. There are enough...


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