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ANALYSIS: The international companies have proposed a moderate development

The global construction market will continue to grow in 2015 and the accelerated rate of development will be recorded on the industrial and commercial segments, according to the estimates of the managers of main international industry groups. The resumption of these segments began in 2014 and will increase this year, as the economy as a whole, showing signs of stabilization. Most of the expenditure will be in energy-related sectors, including construction projects made for the natural gas sector as well as the sectors of production halls/storage, residential and office spaces. In what concerns the residential segment, it will increase by 2% -3% in 2015. While the private construction projects will benefit from significant allocations during this year, it is estimated that the public investment will remain at a minimum, due to the further implementation of austerity measures by governments. Overall, the representatives of the main companies with activities on the international construction market estimated small developments of turnovers in 2015 and a stabilization of the profits, given that the main difficulties and uncertainties will maintain in the global business environment. According to the forecasts concerning the main economic indicators, this year there will be recorded a global economic growth of 2.8%, an exchange rate of 1.2 USD per EUR and an average oil price (Brent) between 60 and 70 USD.
SSAB has paid 1.5 billion EUR for the acquisition of Rautaruukki
SSAB, the Swedish steel manufacturer, has paid the sum of 15 billion Swedish kronor (SEK) - the equivalent of 1.55 billion EUR - for the acquisition of the Finnish company Rautaruukki. The transaction was completed in the third quarter of last year. The acquisition increased sales for SSAB in the October-December 2014 period by 62% over the same period of 2013 up to 15.2 billion SEK (1.5 billion EUR), while the net profit exceeded one billion SEK (103.8 million EUR), the corresponding value of a share of 6.9% of all businesses.


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