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The European Commission has accepted the final version of the General Transport Master Plan (GTMP), together with key documents which establish priority projects and the timing of realization....
On 25 May 2015, the International Conference on Joinery and Curtain Walls Systems EURO-Fereastra (the seventh edition) - a traditional event for the market - opened its doors to over 360...
The manufacturer of thermal insulating joinery Tehnolux, from Bacău county, has targeted for this year to undertake a project of refurbishment of the own industrial facilities. Also, the company...
The Romanian sector of geotechnical and foundation construction works registered a contraction of about 18.5% last year compared to 2013, the total turnover of the companies specialized summing...
Concepts like accessibility, universal design, avoidance of barriers and discrimination of any kind, increasing the comfort of use etc. are just some of the current concerns of architects, to be...
For the current financial year, the management of the company Cipsor Construct is aiming an increase in terms of turnover, while in 2014 has registered a significant improvement in revenues,...
In most of the EU markets was encountered serious problems lately, although these regions are no longer officially in recession, but still faces various structural and geopolitical deficiencies. The...
Although, in the second half of this year resuming the upward trend in sustainable conditions of the Romanian fenestration market is more likely that in the recent past, the managers of many...
The manufacturer of PVC thermal insulating joinery Wohl, with the headquarters in Vrancea county, has doubled recently the production area in the own factory, in order to increase the processing...


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