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In the Official Journal of Romania no. 574 of August 1st, 2014, there was published the Law no. 121/2014 on energy efficiency in order to transpose into national law the existing provisions within...
The supplier of technologies for lifting and elevating equipments, Elmas - Braşov, reported a accelerated  financial developments in the previous year, while turnover increased by 30% compared...
Romfracht Company, the leading producer of metal fibers in Romania, with a capacity of 2,800 tons per month, estimates an increase of about 25% turnover for this year, to 28 million euro. In 2014,...
Educational buildings, especially kindergartens and schools, are parts of a real estate segment which requires high attention in terms of energy performance and thermal comfort of the children, air...
The company Sekisui SPR Romania, a division of Sekisui Chemical - Japan, is active on the local market of pipeline rehabilitation since 2002, promoting an innovative technology that involves...
Proinvest Group - Paşcani, a company specialized in steel processing, bought in the early April 2015 the factory Scudas, located in the same town - one of the largest and oldest Romanian production...
The concept of sustainability is strongly connected with the construction field, especially due to energy efficiency regulation regarding the existing buildings and those that will be constructed in...
The German group Heberger, which has built in Romania Bucharest Business Park, Băneasa Airport Tower, Floreasca Business Park and German District Residenz housing complex, reported in the last year...
In 2014, the sales of LED lighting systems made by the Philips group in Romania registered a 60% growth compared to the results recorded in the previous year, the most important projects being...


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