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Faced lately with significant variations in demand and promoting assemblies in the "elite" category, the wooden joinery manufacturers active on the domestic market have identified in...
On May 25'th 2015 took place the International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency EURO-Construcţii, fourth edition, which was attended by more than 360 specialists of the...
After another decline of the construction market in 2014 which led, in general, to a decrease in revenues of the companies specialized in the execution of specific works, the industry recorded its...
The market of hardware systems designated to manufacture of thermal insulating joinery has recorded in the past two years some changes in structural terms. The phenomenon however is not obvious from...
The global market of additives for concrete (category which includes, among others, all plasticizers, accelerating agents and retardants, water repellent solutions, etc.) is dominated by some large...
Sales of building materials in Romania have placed on a growing trend in the first three months of this year, while the increase in terms of volume of construction works was around 12.5%, in the...
The first months of 2015 are marked by favorable conditions in the construction sector development, the specialized companies announcing big increases of orders, as seen in the financial reports for...
Resumption of construction and civil engineering especially in 2015 creates favorable conditions for the development of local market during the current year. Usually, the investors prefer regions...
Sales on the local market for masonry materials (ceramic blocks and autoclaved aerated concrete - AAC) have registered an average growth of about 3% in the last year, totalizing more than 150...


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