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PROINVEST took over the Scudas plant in Paşcani

Proinvest Group - Paşcani, a company specialized in steel processing, bought in the early April 2015 the factory Scudas, located in the same town - one of the largest and oldest Romanian production unit for tools, tool holders and accessories for machines and tools. The transaction amounts about one million euro (including VAT) and refers the acquisition of ownership of the factory Scudas goodwill, which consists of 40,000 square meters of land, 20,000 square meters of production halls, 400 machines, inventory finished products, raw materials, Scudas brand, patents, product and customer portfolio. Scudas becomes the fifth unit of Proinvest Group which will invest a total of 10 million euro by 2020, the funds being directed towards upgrading the unit, and for refurbishment and development of the product portfolio. The takeover company is in bankruptcy procedures since 2012 and has no longer any connection with the goodwill which belonged before this year. Of the 60 existing employees since the takeover of the factory, 56 were employed by Proinvest Group, on which add 10 other former employees of Scudas SA. The hiring process will continue in the future, being targeted, in particular, the dismissed personnel from the factory in Paşcani, according to the management of Proinvest Group. The company was established in 2000 in Paşcani and currently has 309 employees. The company is specialized exclusively in steel processing, holding at the end of 2014 four factories producing steel components with applications in construction and industry. The latest unit powered by the Proinvest, following an investment of 5 million euro, is the one making special profiles, production being fully contracted by Bosch Rexroth.


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