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For 2015, company representatives of Reynaers Romania have proposed accessing increasingly large and complex projects and the expansion of the sales team and technical support, with which to attract...
The sunshades systems market is strongly influenced by the seasonal factors and began to take advantages on the effects induced by the growth in construction observed in the first part of this year....
According to a ranking conducted by the British publication KHL Construction, the main four construction companies in the world, according to the turnover reported in 2014, have Asian working...
After in the previous financial year has registered an increase in turnover from the level of 16.5 million lei in 2013 to 16.3 million lei, Delta Glass managers have proposed to maintain in this...
After a brief analysis of the thermal insulating joinery market, it results with a fair degree of confidence that the area most affected by the recession has been the sales of equipments designated...
The Romanian residential construction market has a considerable potential for development, given the development of economy, increasing purchasing power and the revival of the financial markets and...
The accelerated automation of production processes is an indisputable reality of the contemporary era, CNC equipment providers, regardless of their type, being in a fierce competition to identify...
An analysis of the current situation and prospects of the domestic glazing industry for architectural applications, be it about glass sheet production or insulating glass unit (IGU) manufacturing,...
The decrease by 6.7% of the local construction market in 2014, subsequent to a contraction of 8.7% in 2013, was mainly generated by the drastic reduction in government investment in infrastructure...


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