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ELMAS: Expanding operations by investing 5 million euro

The supplier of technologies for lifting and elevating equipments, Elmas - Braşov, reported a accelerated  financial developments in the previous year, while turnover increased by 30% compared to 2013, reaching the level of 22 million euro. This rapid expansion was facilitated by the strong increase in orders, including on the steel structures segment associated with lifting equipments. For 2015, the company counts on a new growth of at least 20%, optimism being justified by the fact that only in the first quarter this year, export deliveries accounted for a significant share. An important part of sales on foreign markets is held by the cranes, elevators and steel structures. In the new economic context in which Elmas managed to overcome the difficulties of the recession, the company has a significant determination to strengthen market share, including by supporting some ambitious investment programs. One of the areas of specialization on which the focus has been put since the establishment of the company is the production and sale of elevators - segment on which the company holds a representative market share in Romania. Thanks to the know-how gained in several decades of experience, Elmas has specialized in intensive segment as producer and supplier of completely individualized elevators. This offer address a wide extensive projects such as, for example, office buildings, industrial facilities, residential complexes and objectives ranging from historical monuments to restoration. For all these types of construction, electrical or hydraulic elevators are designed to transport persons / goods / cars. It is important to note that in recent years were intensified the sales activities in foreign markets. The series segment was not ignored, on this specific sector Elmas offer including Mitsubishi Electric elevators, already installed a number of major projects existing in Bucharest and nationwide. In 2015 it is planned to promote a new model of electric lift - Cirro Elmas series A - which is recommended for equipping buildings with high energy efficiency (Class A).


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