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Immofinanz Group, one of the most dynamic developers of office buildings and logistics centers in Romania, recorded an results of 16.7 million euro in Romania in fiscal year 2014/2015, ended on 30...
The local sector of systems for industrial halls, metallic tiles and panels, valued at about 250 million euro in 2014, resumed its upward trend in 2015. The estimates on short term indicate an...
The glass used in the construction industry and designated for the production of insulating units is a material based on silicon dioxide, sodium carbonate and iron oxide/ calcium hydroxide, obtained...
Electrical installations could not be bypassed by the veritable energy revolution currently conducted, which is centered on the concept of sustainability. The most important vendors in this segment...
While the quality certification of windows and doors remains a major objective for professionals in the thermal insulating joinery business, the German institute IFT Rosenheim makes available a full...
On the Eastern European windows market (without taking into consideration Ukraine and Russia), 2016 will be the first year of real growth of orders, after 2008. Although in 2015 is expected, at...
The local market of electrical equipment and automation stands at over 500 million euro annually, while the value of low voltage components segment (lighting and electrical equipments) is about...
The evolution of the environmental control techniques combined with the support of detailed computational software inquire to the designer a careful choice of shading devices in the building design,...
The macroeconomic indicators, reflecting a stabilization of the business, are relatively favorable for companies operating on the windows and doors market and on the related sectors. Thus,...


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