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EXALCO: Target of 10% growth in sales for the current year

Exalco Romania, one of the most important suppliers of architectural aluminum systems succeeded, in recent years, an accelerated recovery after the decline of business in the first part of recession, which has affected the entire construction market. The company reported in 2014, a strong increase of turnover compared to the previous financial year, aiming to maintain the upward trend for 2015, when the management estimates a growth of about 10%. This goal is possible through the investments in new systems, the implementation of a program to streamline the business, and by opening new markets. Mainly, the strategy aims to access customers from other countries, activity that is otherwise not at all new for Exalco Romania. Currently, the distribution is performed through central warehouse in Bucharest, with an area of 8,200 square meters, as well as through two exclusive dealers located in Iasi and Brasov. The potential investors are in a state of expectation and it cannot be predicted the overall pace of development in the next period, as a result of the general situation in Europe. One reason for optimism is generated by the fact that in recent years the domestic market was accessed by worldwide first class contractors, who have chosen this region as a result of very careful assessment of the real potential for development. This fact leads to confidence that the segment of aluminum joinery and the curtain facades will record an optimal development, in a healthy pace. The company's strategy is oriented to dissipation and minimize the potential risk given by the financial indiscipline. Customer requirements can be meet through an approach characterized by flexibility, treating each case individually, with the utmost seriousness and commitment in carrying out the projects in terms of excellence provided by the experience that the company has in this area. In the next period, due to the volatility of currency market, another strategic target is to carefully calibrate  the stocks, in order to avoid the risks of depreciations.


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