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In 2015, the group of companies which includes firms Arcade Trading Serv and Arcade Doors took a land in concession within the Ploieşti Industrial Park, where plans to build a new factory. In order...
In the first six months this year, the construction sector has maintained its top position in the ranking of economic sectors which have benefited from financing by factoring method. After 2014 the...
Mea Metal Applications is a leading manufacturer of gratings, storage equipment and systems for logistic sector. The company also delivers innovative solutions for manual transporting loads as well...
For the current financial year, the managers of the company Hilve, based in Cluj-Napoca, have proposed to maintain the upward trend in turnover recorded in 2014 and to record a new increase of...
If in 2008 the estimated total investments required for the thermal rehabilitation of all apartment buildings in Romania was about 6 billion euro, this amount was reduced to one third or about two...
If is taken into account the market of decorative panels for doors in the last seven years, at first glance it can be seen that the dramatic changes occurred on other companies in the fenestration...
Hardware systems for doors have witnessed a tremendous progress in parallel with the systems for windows, although developments in that field was not as obvious as in other cases. Moreover, most of...
The architecture office Dico & Ţigănaş in Cluj-Napoca gets involved, during this period, in achieving the technical plans for the construction of stadiums Ion Oblemenco in Craiova and Tudor...
Amid a partial disposal of a series of effects of the recession, the branch of manufacturers and suppliers/distributors of interior/exterior doors has embarked on a similar trend to the one specific...


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