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The development of the technologies based on the idea of using natural forces to provide the energy necessary to undertake various human activities began long ago, perhaps even earlier of invention...
The so-called "trendspotting" is an important tool which enables the doors manufacturers to be proactive rather than reactive in their businesses. It is up to the producers to pick and...
About 44% of the contracts assigned through the Romanian electronic public tenders system (SEAP) in the last seven years and about 48% of their total value were attributed in a preferential way, on...
The international market of construction materials has become increasingly dynamic in recent years, including as a result of the introduction of European conformity marking (CE), which encouraged...
When analyzing the influence factors which have an impact on the groups of windows industry with activity especially at European level, it could be noted that, despite a punctual decrease of...
The merger between Lafarge and Holcim cement producers, two of the most important global companies in the field, brought major changes in the ranking of specialized companies both on local and...
Automation is generally reserved for two purposes: accommodating high flows of pedestrian traffic and providing accessibility for people with disabilities. There is another important argument for...
After the total volume of real estate investments in Romania stood at about 1.15 billion euro in 2014, placing Romania among the most important countries preferred by investors in Central and...
The economic segments involving architectural and engineering activities, namely technical testing and analysis, rose - as adjusted series - by 5.7% in June compared to May 2015, but as gross series...


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