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ARCHITECTURE: Report on Bucharest 2016 - guide document for housing in Bucharest

In early August 2016, the Bucharest branch of the Order of Architects of Romania (OAR) published the "Report on Bucharest 2016", a guide document created to provide insight coverings on Bucharest, by identifying and summarizing the urban problems that living in the respective city, on multiple levels of analysis. Specialists have structured the work in 76 pages and six chapters, namely: Urban development, Public space and domain, Housing and community, Cultural heritage and identity, Governance and Architectural quality. The conclusions are summarized under the heading "Residents are entitled to Bucharest architecture and urban landscape, just as they have the right to health and justice". The document should be a starting point in solving the housing problems of the city, but at a first glance, seems rather a sum of observations about Bucharest. The purpose of the report is to identify and inventory the main events impacting the urban development of the city, as addressing to all parties tha can influence it:
          • to Bucharest residents - to reduce the gap between expectations and the urban reality;
          • to property developers and private investors - to improve collaboration;
          • to professional organizations - to increase the impact and models of best practice;
          • to Bucharest administration - for transparency, accountability and de-politicization;
          • to Romanian government - to support Bucharest as European metropolis.
Starting from a series of premises that define the current state of the city, the report sets out four synthetic conclusions, identifying the reasons that led to this crisis, and also a number of recommended actions to overcome it and to ensure sustainable development of Bucharest.


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