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Stability on the local sector of software for construction and design

The domestic market of software for architecture and construction - CAD (computer-aided design) embarked on a slightly upward trend in the first ten months of this year compared with the same period in 2011, following a similar path with the construction industry. According to the forecasts made by the operators in architecture and construction sectors, the main users of this type of applications, a general stagnation in the field is most likely expected for the full current year. However, the specific area saw a steady trend in recent years despite the country's economic downturn, as a result of construction managers and architects awareness of the importance of the software solutions for the performance of their companies. According to available data, the number of users of specialized software in Romania grew in 2011 by 10% -15% compared to the previous year. Overall, there are some general principles that all vendors of construction software should be aware of. First of all, as confirmed by the advisors of Software Advice company, building owners, clients and general contractors are demanding for a greater level of collaboration with their subcontractors and other project participants. As a result, contractors need to use more modern systems and web technologies. This includes responding to web-based invitations to bid, sharing cost data, managing project documents on the web, and submitting electronic invoices. Contractors with ageing systems - or without any system at all - will be left behind. Second, it is important for the software providers to know that the Software as a Service (SaaS) technology, which represents a model where applications are hosted by the vendor and accessed by through a web browser is gaining in popularity. Not least, the technology evolution is very important. While many vendors are moving forward aggressively with modern application development technologies and SaaS computing, others are lagging badly. These vendors may be left behind over time. Old technology limits a product's ability to integrate with other systems, share data and address modern requirements such as web and mobile access. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue, click here!


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