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FABRYO: Dominant position ensured by a complex portfolio

On a local market of paints and varnishes estimated at 120 - 130 million euro, Fabryo Corporation, with a turnover of over 35 million euro, is the leader among the specialized providers. At the group level, the company ended last year with sales of 173 million euro, the result being calculated after consolidating the financial statements of the two economic entities (Atlas Paints - part of the Atlas Corporation and Fabryo Corporation), which merged through absorption in 2012. Currently, the group is in full campaign to promote the brand APLA, this segment increasing in 2013 by 1.5%. Fabryo - Atlas Paints has a production platform of paints, mortars and adhesives, located in Popeşti Leordeni and a manufacturing unit of insulation products in Tunari - Ilfov. Referring to the merger, Fabryo - Atlas Paints CEO, Dragoş Militaru said that through this action the company strengthened its leading position in decorative paints and varnishes market in Romania, building a portfolio of complementary products and brands that will be able to offer to the customers complete and high quality solutions for decorating, finishing and insulation. In 2013, representing the first year of operational integration, the management team focused the efforts on increasing brand distribution APLA (Atlas Professional Line Applications) on all commercial channels and obtained a significant increase in turnover in respect of the categories of mortar and insulation products, in a market situated on a downward trend. Consolidation into a single legal entity was the next step, an important one in the process that brings multiple operational benefits to all company departments, by unifying and simplifying work processes. Currently, the group is going through a phase of integration of the product portfolio, continuing also to expand the offer with performances products which bring real benefits to users. The marketing policy is based on two pillars: an offer of high quality products compared to the competition (namely customer focus) and meeting its requirements under optimal conditions. Thus Fabryo - Atlas Paints will continue to develop an extended range of decorative solutions, introducing unique products in Romania, such as, for example, "savana 2 in 1", which recorded sales growth of about 50%. Concerning the segment of the systems with average prices, which fall in the category Innenveiss brand, sustainable gains were recorded for over two years.


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