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EDITORIAL: Increased opportunities for the joinery companies

A question still awaiting an answer is whether the local market of thermal insulating joinery has exhausted all the development opportunities. The experts and managers invited to identify practical ways out of the current blockage have different approaches on this matter. On one hand, there are opinions that the recession has ended with the launch of Romanian companies on the international market, on the other hand some say that new cuts were imminent and would rather generate a prolonged W-shape economic crisis. Moreover, for Romania at least, the second opinion seems to be better anchored in reality, given the recent information provided by the statistical authorities, which confirms the return to recession. This reality can not be ignored, reflecting eventually the failure of general economic strategies of the administrative authorities, which affect also the already hard-tried construction field. Yet, is premature and irrational to take this cause as the main reason for the difficulties in the sector. In fact, opportunities always existed, including in the downturn periods, but their visibility level was higher or lower, depending on the individual skills to identify and therefore to exploit them. As recently observed, many external analysts, who can not be suspected of adversity or bias towards local industry, the correct financing of a company - which is the main driving force that ensures the functioning of a firm - is a result of bilateral relations with a banking institution, and the element on which is built the professional relationship is mainly the trust. Therefore, the blame for blocking the funding lines can not be attributed solely to the banks (which, indeed, has implemented inflexible strategies after 2009), a large part of the problem coming from the fact that firms are not creditworthy enough, don't guide their development policies considering specialized market research, do not have a well articulated marketing tool, and finally, are unable to present coherent and credible business plans. To remove all the deficiencies listed above are necessary substantial investments from own resources, which, unfortunately, were often scattered through unproductive expenditure, regardless of their nature.


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