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CEMENT/CONCRETE: Evolutions of 2% -3% estimated for the market

The local cement market recorded a 3% advance in the first three months of this year compared to the same period in 2012, according to the latest data from the Employers from Cement Industry and other Mineral Construction Products (CIROM). "The slight evolution from this period does not make us too confident in a recovery of the demand from the field. The positive trend is owed primarily to the residential construction segment, which increased by 23.2% compared to the first quarter of 2012, due to favorable weather. Unfortunately, in what concerns the engineering works, a decline of 10.4% was registered", explained Mihai Rohan, President of CIROM. According to the data available from the National Statistics Institute (INS), the cement market maintained in 2012 at a similar level with the one recorded in 2011, around 7.2 million tonnes. The exports were about 400,000 tons, while imports of 350,000 tons. The value of the local cement market stood last year at 600-650 million EUR and, for 2013, a similar level is estimated. "We cannot be too optimistic in what concerns the evolution of the sector. Thus, if the market will stay at the level of 2012, an optimistic scenario is already shaping. We ascertain that great works are blocked or develop very slowly, due to the lack of funds. A recent example is the Drumul Taberei - Universitate subway section, a much-needed project that has been stopped and awaits financing. Several large or small projects are announced, but, for now, these are still "on paper" and we hope that they will begin next year. For 2014-2015 we are more optimistic, believing that major investment works, included in the «Fiscal Strategy», will be undertaken and we will have a 2% up to 3% increase in each year", said Mihai Rohan. The local cement market stabilized last year at the level of 2011, the representatives of the three largest producers in our country registering slight fluctuations in sales in 2012, compared with the previous 12 months. According to the available data recorded in the financial reports of the groups to which they belong, Lafarge Romania, Holcim and Carpatcement announced annual business levels ranging between -3% and +6%, confirming, thus, the growth forecasts of up to 2% of cement sales in Romania in 2012 in comparison with the previous year. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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