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ANALYSIS: Energy efficiency and security in doors assemblies

The international market of construction materials has become increasingly dynamic in recent years, including as a result of the introduction of European conformity marking (CE), which encouraged the technical progress and implementation of innovations. In this overall context, the windows and doors witnessed a unprecedented technological "boom", especially in Germany - an area known for reliability and functionality of the promoted products on the own market and abroad. Demand for high-performance solutions remained at a high level, even in times of economic crisis, despite their higher costs compared to standard or economic products. Given the continuing tightening of regulatory requirements, the traded models are continuously improved to adapt to the new technical and aesthetic trends. As regards energy efficiency and - more broadly - the concept of sustainability, there are already visible changes imposed by legislation, including in the field of doors and gates. In many countries in Central and Western Europe, including Germany, energy-saving regulations were tightened and demand for subsidies for the implementation of specific measures to streamline the existing buildings have multiplied exponentially. In the field of doors and materials used in their manufacture, the immediate effect was constitute by the limitation of heat transfer coefficient. Regardless of position on addressing the market profile (as system providers, manufacturers, contractors specialized or general), companies must adapt dynamically to these requirements, dealing - mainly - sustainability, accessibility, competitiveness in prices, adaptability to the new features of the living space etc. One of the most important catalysts factors for the abovementioned phenomenon consists precisely of demographic change and accelerated urbanization, manifested in more and more regions of the world, including in countries with emerging economies, which until recently, mattered little in the  global supply and demand equation.


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