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MASONRY: Another year of stagnation for the materials area

The local masonry materials market, estimated at the value of 250 million EUR in 2012, balanced last year, the two main groups of products included, the ceramic and brick blocks having equal weights in total. From a quantitative perspective, the data available on the market indicate a level of about 3.5 million cubic meters per year, of which the brick segment holds 1.7 million cubic meters, and the aerated concrete blocks approximately 1.8 million cubic meters. Currently, in Romania, the production capacity of masonry materials is of 8.5 million cubic meters / year, far exceeding the actual consumption, while the real potential of the market stands at over 9 million cubic meters / year. On the brick and aerated concrete blocks market are active about 22 major manufacturers. Currently, most of them choose to accomplish investments in expanding and improving their factories and the announcement of the opening of the solely new unit from the field by Wienerberger Group, was postponed indefinitely in the first half of this year. Between 2008 and 2011, the market for masonry materials (brick and aerated concrete blocks) has decreased by up to 37% in terms of quantity, while the value of the sector declined during the same period, by 64%, according to information provided by operators in the industry. An optimum field development is not anticipated for the next period, given the downward trend on which enrolled the number of construction of residential buildings (the main beneficiary of construction materials) in the last period. The year 2008 was the peak for housing buildings, in this period over 61,000 permits for construction were issued, nearly two times more than the level of 37,800 documents issued in 2012. Furthermore, a dramatic decrease was also recorded in what concerns the number of completed dwellings, namely from 64,400 units in 2008 to 42,500 in 2012. The decreasing trend of masonry materials market is, thus, confirmed, given that the execution of residential construction is the main place of utilization of brick and aerated concrete blocks. The activity of the companies from the industry is, generally, directly dependent on the evolution of this sector. Over 80% of households made in our country have their strength structure built with these systems. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Agenda Constructiilor issue click here!


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