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ANALYSIS: The economic products have the major share in hardware deliveries

The evolution of the hardware segment remains the main benchmark against which can be measured the domestic market of thermo-insulating joinery. Theoretically, the deliveries of products from this category can provide a fairly accurate description of the actual situation on the segment of window assemblies, even if the estimate includes an unquantifiable factor related to the exact amount of sales (given that, currently, there is a quite pronounced phenomenon of circumvention of custom house procedures, especially in what concerns the relationship with import sources from outside the European Economic Area). In the current context, if we take into account the fact that the illegal systems equip, usually, assemblies which in turn are sold outside the legal framework (particularly in rural areas - but not only), one can estimate that the error margin stands at a very important value because the quantities of hardware used on the local market are much higher than the information on imports indicate. These information were centralized by the Institute of Statistics and taken from local authorities with responsibilities in processing official data. Even in what concerns the official value of the analyzed market there are certain disputes, some competitors estimating total shipments at approximately 30 million EUR, while others refer to a sum rate close to 40 million EUR. Given the fact that, until indisputable evidence can be obtained, the level of the so-called "black market" cannot be taken into account, the use of the second value is acceptable. This option is also supported by the previous assessments of the national joinery market for woodwork, which in 2012 was around 400 million EUR. The data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS) broadly confirms the previously mentioned prerequisites, by placing the imports since 2012 between the two limits assumed by providers. In what concerns the evolution from the previous financial year, the value increase stood at 6.18% and the quantitative one at 14.5%. A first observation that can be made about the data is that the tendency to use economic systems on the market in Romania maintains, as it was confirmed by the much faster rate of increase of the quantities imported compared to the value declared. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue click here!


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