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PRO BCA: Annual sales of BCA with a value of 70 million EUR

Despite the contraction of the domestic construction materials market, the quantitative supplies of BCA recorded a slight increase (+3%) in the first nine months of last year (compared to the same period in 2012), while the market value decreased slightly (-2%), due to the financial efforts of producers made in order to support the market by reducing prices. According to the BCA Manufacturers Organisation (Pro BCA) , the evolution of the domain included the reorientation of the single family home owners to the use of this material. In 2013, the local BCA market recorded quantitative sales of two million cubic meters, corresponding to a total value of 70 million EUR. In what concerns the activity in 2014, the BCA demand will be influenced by the volume of construction works, the residential segment representing the main factor that can revive the market of construction materials. If we analyze the statistics of the last 12 months, it appears that the new housing construction sector shrinks further on (the volume of the new construction works decreased by 8.5% in the first 10 months of last year compared to the same period in 2012), because the beneficiaries are being discouraged to invest by a lack of confidence in the future outlook of the market. The construction laws, which often do not provide deadlines for the state institutions or penalties for non-compliance if certain rules are violated, hamper the development of the whole sector. In order to obtain the Regional Urbanistic Plan, the project beneficiaries are affected by committees which block the major investments in the construction sector. Often, these committees are made up of architects who own a personal business and are keen to block any investment in which they are not personally involved. We believe that the administrative-territorial units have their own urban structures, so that the process of urbanization can take place more rapidly. The organizing manner of the development process for major objectives, which in most cases requires PUZ, is a system that blocks the development of cities and towns in Romania.


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