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SUSTAINABILITY: High insulation characteristics through mineral wool systems

The solutions based on mineral wool insulation register a growing success on the international market of constructions, the material being characterized by high adaptability, good insulation properties, dimensional stability, long-term resistance, acoustic insulation, fire protection etc. Made from melted glass, minerals (volcanic rock - basalt, dolomite etc.) or industrial waste (blast furnace slag), the fiber material has a number of specific properties that determine the final product to ensure optimal isolation. In the case of mineral wool, inorganic material has a weight of 98% of the total mass of material, the difference being represented by rigid resin binders, while the content of the inorganic glass wool is 95% - 96%. This range fully complies with the current requirements of sustainability, the product being made from renewable natural resources, through an industrial process that does not affect the environment, with an optimum cost-effectiveness and enhancing energy efficiency in applications where it is used. In order to demonstrate the suitability of such solutions in modern buildings, the targets set by the European Commission for the year 2030 are to be mentioned. This refers mainly to some practical ways in which can be achieved the established targets and provide new business opportunities for EU companies, lower energy bills, increase security by reducing the consumption of natural gas imports and minimize the environmental impact. Considering all the above, it is proposed a 40% reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide to the beginning of the fourth decade of this century, and, also, to ensure a balance between the achieved benefits and costs. One of the major goals apart from the main one - energy efficiency - is to encourage investment in the implementation of technologies to reduce consumption, towards real benefits for businesses, consumers and environment. It is estimated that by 2020, the level of energy consumption would decrease by 19%. European experts say that the difference is caused by delays in some Member States in implementing the requirements of Directive 31/2010/EC, but this obstacle can be overcame by a proper approach, which would require the use of materials with increased performance, which ensure the levels mandated by law.


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