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Direct manifestations of innovation are especially visible in new industrial fields, less dependent on prejudices induced by traditional solutions and methods specific to sectors which have a longer...
With a high level of expertise and a broad portfolio of high performance products, Coloseum Green Solutions addresses the professionals in windows, doors and curtain walls. Company offer includes a...
Public investment underway in Timisoara are exceeding 200 million lei and will have a crucial impact on the future development of the city, in the opinion of Silviu Ciprian Cadariu, the...
Once the problems caused by the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area have eased lately (except in Greece, where reached yet an political-economical agreement), the situation relatively tense at...
The polycarbonate plates provider Carboplak - Bucharest has planned for 2015 an investment worthing about 500,000 euro, which involved the purchase of a mold to create models with a thickness...
The District 3 of Bucharest has in administration an area of over 700 hectares of land available for investments, provided with all the needed urban facilities. Thereby, the local authority operates...
Since the materials used in the buildings have very long periods of operation, special attention should be paid to their selection process of the plenty of products offered on the market, depending...
The business strategy implemented in this year by the company Alumni focused on measures to intensify the promotion activity, scaling the sales force and assuring a presence at all the levels of the...
The optimal evolution of local market of construction in the first eight months of this year determined the increase of  the domestic demand for materials and specific systems for the first...


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