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ANALYSIS: Optimal trends for doors manufacturers and distributors

Amid a partial disposal of a series of effects of the recession, the branch of manufacturers and suppliers/distributors of interior/exterior doors has embarked on a similar trend to the one specific for national market of thermal insulating joinery which indicates a stabilization. The situation is more linked to the real estate construction sector, which have in last year positive results. In June 2015, the local authorities across the country have issued 4,114 permits for residential construction (which are used mostly for housing), up 12.6% compared to May 2015 and by 7.6% compared to the same period in 2014. Meanwhile, in January-June were issued 18,299 building permits for residential buildings, up 3.1% compared to the first semester of 2014. After the quantification the financial results which is reflected by the value of the turnover of the largest manufacturers of doors for interior/exterior included list of companies extracted from another document, with 907 producers of carpentry, it results various fluctuations in revenue in recent years. The data outlined on the activity of 46 companies specialized in the production and supply of interior/exterior doors shows that the income of 2014 decreased by 8% to 34 million euro compared to 2013, when it was registered a total turnover of 37 million euro. The decrease occurs after various significant fluctuations in the early years of the economic crisis, from the referential value of 2008, which was - for such companies - valued to about 39 million euro, reaching in 2013 to 37 million euro and a further decline, recorded in 2014. Taking into account the turnover declared in the previous 12 months and compared with the referential value results for the period of six years of crisis a drop of interior doors market of -11.7%, so it can be assumed that the entire segment decreased on average by 15%. It is expected that in this year some significant changes to occur in the analyzed sector, amid a restoration of domestic consumption.


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